"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence... It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed." - President John F. Kennedy, April 27th, 1961.
"[T]he drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government, combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control ... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent." - Congressman Larry McDonald, 1976
[updated May 21st, 2022]
After a while, you may notice, if you give yourself the time to objectively observe independent from mainstream viewpoints, that the worst practices and deceptions have always come and continue to come from the major institutions of power in society (corporate, state, education, medical, media, church, banking). All of the most destructive lies and practices come from those devilish "kingdoms" in society (see Matthew 4:8-9), things like the global dissemination of the psychological toxins of inherited sin doctrine, satanic music & entertainment (celebrities), cultural-Marxism-infused education and activism, to the physical environmental toxins (which are likely the cause of many modern diseases, but Establishment Medicine "educates" and pours all the reasearch funding elsewhere, mainly into more drugs and biotech), like micro-plastics, GMOs, glyphosate, atrazine, lead, cadmium, mercury (e.g., toxic tooth fillings, as if no nontoxic alternative exists), aluminium (e.g., unnecessarily in "personal care" products), flouride (a "medical" prescription given without consent and without dosage control through the water supply "for healthy teeth"), chlorine (as if there's no nontoxic way to purify our water), aspartame (available for free on diner tables across the country), xenoestrogen overloads (from plastics, etc.), mandatory "for your safety" toxic flame-retardants on your bed, pillows and furniture (for you to absorb for hours every day!), et al., to horrific hospital birth protocols that traumatize humanity immediately as they take their first breaths, to cycles of state-sponsored terrorism that instill populations with further trauma (and Stockholm Syndrome) on top of their birth trauma.
Toxins & Tyranny/Terrorism are intertwined because they both oppress and destroy, the opposite of God's will, and it's all propagated through these devil-run institutions.
These institutions have become so embedded in society their toxic fallout is difficult to avoid, and most people, because of their indoctrination, don't even try to avoid taking part in them much less avoid their toxicity, thinking these institutions are bastions of human progress and "civilization." Others may express a half-awareness that the worst always come forcefully from the top, complaining (rightfully so) about the latest disruptive nonsense coming down the pike from "Corporate", "the Adminstration," "the Board," etc., labels that obscure who is really calling the shots ultimately at the very top, the chain of command turning into a mysterious cloud at the peak of the Pyramid.
The key thing to understand with these embedded and interconnected institutions, which have coerced and/or deceived most people into participation with them, is that they operate in a hierarchical, pyramidal manner, they operate by a chain of command. You may think your local hospital doctor or police officer is a decent person, but they work for Pyramid institutions (the Medical Establishment & the State), so they ultimately take orders from, via the chain of command, policy-forming "shadow government" at the top of the Pyramid, and those people are invariably not decent. Those shady characters at the top choose what particular things they want disseminated, and then send the orders down, and fund those things/research/projects for everyone below they want furthered, and fine/defund/bankrupt those that don't get with their destructive programs (hence why anyone talking about natural medicine and cures has to always give the legal disclaimer "this is not medical advice"). Those at the very top also ensure compliance by hiring/promoting those who demonstrate unquestioning compliance (the deceived enthusiastic, immoral, or simply money-hungry), and firing those that fall out compliance.
These destructive programs/practices, because of indoctrination, directed by those same few at the very top, have many people (especially university and medical students) think the destructive practices are actually good things.
The recent 2 year scamdemic, pushing compliance to tyrannical medical mandates, is a perfect recent example of how the Pyramid System operates, pushing something that most people wouldn't have pushed on their own, but did so because of their dumb & blind faith in the top-of-the-pyramid "authorities," and/or because of their monetary dependence on those so-called authorities (monetary dependency rooted in denial of humanity's birthright to cost/tax-free veganic homesteading land, water & seed, the key solution it seems people are under mind-control to always dismiss/ignore immediately for no good reason).
There is also the big factor of moral corruption, that has caused much of the youth and young adults to a) think of abortion as no big deal, b) engage in almost constant slander of other people as their dominant mode of conversation (and social-media activity), along with c), holding disdain for real ethics and religion (denying the possibility that either can be discovered in their true forms). But they do show some love, for artificial intelligence, virtual reality, socialism, and their smart-phone addiction/appendage (so, very much like The Borg in Star Trek).
"Do not make gods of metal and worship them." (Exodus 34:17, Good News Translation)
The way people are conditioned, it really is like they've been made to be a prototype of the morally bankrupt collectivist cyborgs that seem to be the Devil's end goal for humanity (along with a one-world government and one-world luciferian religion). Millennials aren't the only ones of course, the fact that child abuse and trauma remains commonplace generation after generation, (adding another layer of trauma to those already mentioned), shows what's inevitably produced from a society engineered by evil minds.
Because of how destructive and backwards everything is that comes from the top of the Pyramid, it's reasonable to conclude that the people at the top are evil, and they want to destroy what could be Paradise continually, through their command of institutions (that almost everyone tragically sees as good things, rather than the main channels of the Devil's control over society). If people could just see that Establishment Institutions = The Pyramid, and see that there is a chain of command within that pyramid, and those at the top are clearly deranged psychopaths, then why the world is the way it is will become much more clear to them, and they'll start to (if they still have compassion and critical thinking active in their mind) avoid and disconnect themselves as much as possible from these devil-at-the-top institutions. Again, the idea that the people at the very top, who put forth satanic hospital birth protocols, water flouridation, toxic vaccines, covering the earth in autism-causing glypohosate, et al., are actually satanists/luciferians, are actually just tools and puppets of Satan himself, actually makes sense of why these evil destructive things are pushed on humanity mainly through these institutions; it's logical to infer that the conspiracy theorists are right, and that those at the top are indeed Satanists who hate humanity, because humans & the Earth were created by God, who is the enemy of the Satan they follow. Perhaps the End Game of this agenda is opening a portal for Satan and his demons via the CERN collider, created by a coalition of the world's "elite" (top of the Pyramid) as many people now believe; the bizarre satanic theater opening to CERN supports this, as dose their placement of a statue of the god of destruction at that location. And/or their goal is a "New World Order" that resembles the society portrayed in the book 1984 by George Orwell. Basically we should expect their goal to be the opposite of the real Paradise that was and is The Creator's intent for humanity; instead of sovereign humans having dominion over the Earth (i.e., having sovereign homesteads), the want a global Communist order wherein everyone owns nothing and has no individual sovereignty, wherein most people are slaves to the cabal running the global State.
A lot of people focus on figuring out what Satanic groups/organizations/families comprise the upper levels of the Pyramid, but from a practical standpoint, it really doesn't matter, since most of us aren't dealing with those people directly, but instead with the institutions that they direct; therefore the task at hand is an exodus from those institutions, (taking away the means of societal corruption and control), and a return of individual sovereignty and dominion, and natural voluntary community.
So the overview of why the world is so messed up is not complicated: again, all mainstream hierarchical institutions push lies and destruction and cancel/ban/slander crucial truth and healing solutions, because they're ultimately led by someone who is hell-bent on deceiving and destroying humanity physically and morally/spiritually (in large part by convincing them that the enslavement, murder and consumption of animals is not actually an evil in God's sight), and turning the beautiful Earth into a toxic irradiated wasteland (again in large part due to the livestock industry), to be eventually populated by programmed/hackable cyborgs.
I know many will just dismiss all this as a crazy conspiracy theory, rather than a rational and objective observation of society, ignoring the reasoning and verifiable observations, like why about 1 in 25 children have autism now, 1 in 3 adults get cancer (there are reportedly over 140,000 cancer-causing man-made chemicals all released on a daily basis, so getting an environmental toxin test is a good idea), along with the skyrocketed rates of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Disease, Thyroid Diseases, sleep disorders, et al..
Hopefully mainstream society will wake up and cease being heartless carnist news-watching Darwin-believing atheist irradiating technology-loving "educated" statists who slander non-conformists (i.e., those not completely indoctrinated and deceived); maybe one day they'll see the pattern of evil always coming from the top of these interconnected/inter-owned institutions, and see this deceptive and destructive Pyramid for what is (the Devil's kingdom), before they're too far corrupted by it. Hopefully one day restoring Eden won't seem "backwards" to them, and Genesis 1:29 & 2:15 will seem like the obvious way to go to them too.
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