194 countries representing 99% of the world's population are expected to sign pandemic treaties that would allow the WHO to dictate exactly how your nation responds to a new disease outbreak which they consider a pandemic.
These are precarious times in which freedom and self-determination must be defended from those who would ride rough-shod over your civil rights.
Tell the WHO you will never live under their control:
The wheels are already in motion, with the Biden administration submitting amendments to the WHO's International Health Regulations (IHR), which would give the Director General the right to declare health emergencies in any nation, even when disputed by the country in question.
These amendments, which will be legally binding if passed by the World Health Assembly (the governing body of the WHO), set the stage for a fully-fledged pandemic treaty to be passed.
With 20 national leaders already calling for a Pandemic Treaty, we must oppose a return to global lockdowns, vaccine mandates and propoganda, most of all from the WHO.
Our right to self-determination must be respected in all policy decisions.
Thank you for SIGNING and SHARING this petition to show the WHO that you won't accept their power-grab.
Yours faithfully,
Tim Jackson and the entire Team at LifeSite"
The Exact Reasons Why Medical Mandates Are Wrong
Medical mandates are not ethically legitimate, and should not be accepted, because:
1) One neighbor does not have the right to coerce another neighbor into being tested for a disease (a test which may or may not be accurate), or into using a medical device (like a mask), or into taking some kind of pill or injection. That would be abusive control, it would be criminal. The reason it is wrong and criminal for you to coerce your neighbor to take medical tests, drugs, or use medical devices, is the same exact reason why it is wrong and criminal for politicians to do that; it does not become okay just because they are people on TV that say the word “emergency.”
2) Governments are people too (“of the people”), and we are not the livestock of these other people; we refuse to be human livestock on their farms that they can control and medicate however they want to; they are not our parents, we are not their children; they are not our masters, we are not their slaves; when they do something abusive, it’s still abuse regardless of what crisis is happening (or is reported to be happening by the fear-pushing mass-media or designed-to-be-addictive social-media). Politicians can be mistaken or deceptive (and sometimes even create a crisis so that they can offer their “solution” of having more power); pharmaceutical companies (making tens of billions of dollars off this, and not liable for any injuries or deaths caused by their products) can be mistaken or deceptive. Coercing people to trust them with our lives and the lives of our children, to inject with whatever they want to (like aborted fetal cells), forever, is just plain evil; it’s authoritarian medical tyranny, it’s totalitarianism, fascism (merging of Big Pharma and Law, purchase and use of their products made mandatory) and Communism (the State taking control of private business and the most fundamental form of private property: our own bodies). Government employees don’t own the bodies of non-government employees; again, citizens aren’t the livestock of the State. Freedom is another form of safety; we aren’t safe if we don’t have the freedom to control our own bodies (or the freedom to protect our bodies, with whatever weapon needed to do so).
3) Preemptive attack is when someone is committing real violence now, to supposedly prevent possible violence or harm; if we accept this bunk premise, then people could commit violence whenever they say “it’s for safety” or “the greater good.” One neighbor cannot be abusive toward another neighbor (for example, by disarming that neighbor, or pushing drugs on them) just because they say “it’s for safety.” Preemptive attack in any form, including medical mandates, is never ethically legitimate; it’s bunk morality used by abusers over and over as supposed justification for their abuse.
[please copy and print the above as a one-page flyer for in-person distribution (that's the most effective way to educate on this right now)]
And here's an additional idea, ask all members of law enforcement that you know the following questions:
"If one citizen were to go next door to a neighboring citizen and start coercing them to take certain drugs and use certain medical devices, would that be a crime? What crime exactly? What's the exact words for that criminal offense? Why can't a person who is simply a government employee not be charged with that same offense with that same exact crime? If someone has a title "governor" does that make them above the law any time they say the word "emergency"? Can they do whatever they want as long as they say "it's for safety"? If the law does not apply to them, what protection is there from a dictator or tyrant who can easily hide behind the false "caretaker" role by just saying the word "safety" over and over?"
- What if a lot more people were dying of an illness (and not just the "medicine")? What if it was a real and obvious pandemic? Many people would say, "Well now we certainly need to accept medical mandates." Wrong. As long as people think inalienable rights are actually only valid in non-emergency circumstances, all the control-freaks have to do is up the level of emergency until most people agree it's "reasonable precautionary measures." People need to get a handle on the ethical fundamentals: aggression (e.g., coercing people to stay home, not travel, not assemble, get vaccines, etc.) is evil, and preemptive attack in the name of public health & safety is a form of aggression. Otherwise the door stays open for deception and abuse.
- Concerning churches being forced to close, freedom of assembly and religion, violated because some people are sick and dying in the world, is 0% ethically valid. Counting on States to protect our natural rights is foolish because there's no guarantee they will, no matter what's written in a Constitution, and because the main master-slave arrangement of automatic citizenship and extortion/taxation is aggression, so it's fundamentally relying on someone who's been repeatedly attacking/violating you to also simultaneously defend you from attack/violation, which is irrational, it's actually an impossibility. If most people could really understand this we could transform into a truly just/nonviolent/free society, but Stockholm Syndrome is unfortunately very dominant and entrenched worldwide.
- Yet pro-mandaters think they're smarter, saying things like "It's an INFECTIOUS DISEASE, we have to take precautions you dumbass!," as if we don't understand what infectious means or that we don't think anything infectious exists, or don't believe in any form of healthcare or medicine; they are projecting their own ignorance, in this case an ignorance of what tyranny is (unable to define it if asked) and mislabeling it simply "precautions," and if they do have some understanding of what tyranny is, they don't believe it can actually exist here and now, because of "checks & balances & voting & rule of law."
- Abuse/Tyranny/Slavery is never actually a valid response to a sickness (voluntary precautions are), because that's just adding one problem on top of another, and two problems are worse than one; it's really that simple, but the mass-media and politicians are constantly trying to confuse you and make it seem more ethically complicated than it really is. A website like Vaccine Liberation should never have been needed to be created.
- It's good to give accurate perspective on this so-called pandemic, but in a sense the numbers are irrelevant, when we are talking about freedom vs. slavery; at what % mortality from a virus is it justified to have your life controlled by other people, people that simply have the State as their employer? 5%? 50%? To be open to enslavement under any circumstances = an inferiority complex ingrained via indoctrination. Aggression is always wrong, as is slavery; true morality is absent in the mass-media programming.
- The possibility that authorities could be wrong, or even malicious, is unthinkable to those in which the irrational indoctrination that "those with power are the most trustworthy" is still unshaken, the cognitive dissonance acting as a shield to their core beliefs, all questioning of authority perceived as irrational, projecting their own irrational trust in it; and so the world gets worse, one big lie deception at a time, preemptive attacks tightening the controls on a population perceived as human livestock by "the elite."