Hospital Birth Protocols include: Immediate cord clamping (cutting large amount of oxygen flow to baby, one third of the baby’s oxygen-rich blood stays behind in the placenta, damaging baby's brain & body), artificial Vitamin K shot with other ingredients (which can cause anaphylactic shock), wrapping baby in tight artificial/chemical blanket to quiet them (also traumatizing, inducing shock), breaking the water artificially which makes the contractions painful for the baby, internal heart monitoring with an electrode attached to the baby's head (which is painful to the baby), blinding eye drops given immediately (disallowing eye-to-eye bonding with mother), etc.

All hospital birth protocols inflict pain repeatedly on the baby and undermine
a human love-bond between mother and child.
-- Horizontal position which makes it more difficult for mother and baby, causing the "need" for more invasive/harmful drugs/procedures.
– Sonograms (harmful radiation).
– Induction (very invasive and harmful, also the baby gets the message s/he is not in charge of its own destiny.)
– Amniotomy: Breaking/removing the water; the water is there to protect the baby from the intensity of contractions, so results in pain for baby.
- Fetal heart monitor screwed into the baby’s head at soft spot (the spot called "the seat of transmissions from the divine mind"), the screw pulls an tugs with every contraction, very painful.
During a natural/normal birth the baby signals to the mother's body, and the mother starts making the necessary chemicals naturally. In unnatural/abnormal births, these Artificial Drugs are used:
– Pitocin: “Pit to distress”: can cause "need" for a C section, (synthetic oxytocin). The mother’s ability to bond wit her baby is undermined. Basically mothers not producing natural oxytocin = no bonding at birth, and thereby the child is negatively programmed. Pitocin causes unnatural and intense contractions. No rest in between. Uterus is made to be as harsh as a mechanical compactor. "Most women during hospital birth, at least in the USSA are given a chemical called pitocin which supposedly speeds up the birth..
and what this does among other things, is interrupt the natural chemical oxytocin, which is a Love bonding chemical that all mammals produce while giving birth..
So the pitocin is given sometimes just because some doctor wants to get to the golf game or whatever.. I think something like 80% of hospital births are with pitocin..
and so, the natural bond between mother and baby is severed that way too..." The natural oxytocin is released by the body is called the "hormone of well being and
love," again creating good contractions that massage all the
systems and organs in the baby’s body ("butterfly massage").
– Cytotec used to enhance induction procedure, ripening the uterus,
doing extreme harm and pain.
– Remifentanil: opiate resulting in a confused, disoriented baby.
– Epidural: anesthesia introduced in between the vertebrae. Mother cannot move, cannot help the baby being born. The natural opiates are not forthcoming. Mothers may not feel anything, the baby is feeling all the more pain. She is strapped, laying down, which is narrowing her pelvis. Now the baby has no help, is completely abandoned, knowing there is something out there that is dangerous.
– Vitamin K, anaphylactic shock. (see:
- A high # of vaccines are given to infants, especially in the USA, and there is very good reason to be weary of them:
Also in hospital births there is:
– C sections: compounding the imprint of being helpless on the baby's mind, i.e., "someone outside has to do it for me," no victory of life.
– Eye drops for baby, prevents eye contact with parents, prevents bonding and the activating of the capacity for love. "If this neurobiology is not activated at birth, it does not happen."
- Genital mutilation, a.k.a. "circumcision" ==>
In a natural birth, there is:
-Fulfillment of human love, the family has a memory that can keep the family together for life…
– Skin to skin contact and smell are the primary means for the love beginning to occur.
More info on natural birthing (and negatives of hospital protocol):