Thursday, March 31, 2022

Land, Water & Seeds ("Victory Gardens" For All)

"You trample the poor,
 stealing their grain through taxes and unfair rent."  (Amos 5:11)

[updated September 19th, 2022]

I just came across the quote "You can solve all of the world's problems in a garden," and there's a lot of truth to that, but why does almost everyone ignore the fact that having a garden-based society is not going to happen as long as it is not financially possible for most people on Earth to participate in one?  And rather than think band-aid small/limited steps in the right direction, as good as they are (I certainly like to see them), like a bit more urban "green spaces," community gardens, or plants on top of and inside city buildings, rather than focus on those small and limited steps, why can't we be focused on the real big-leap solution that would have the most positive benefit and also be the most just, namely recognizing that a bit of land, water & seed for nonviolent/veganic homesteading is a birthright of every human?  Why is that repeatedly ignored, even when spelled out in detail?  By ignoring that we will in fact never see significant positive change for the better, we will never "return to Eden."

If people had the option to have some private/sovereign natural space (approximately 1 hectare), where they could cultivate a garden and orchard for themselves and/or family (in a natural voluntary gift-economy community of others doing the same), ending their dependency on the soul-sucking money-system, also ending unnecessary hunger and various other hardships that come with this unnatural and unjust global social-system set-up, don't you think billions of people would do so?  Of course they would.  But this real solution is almost never discussed or even debated, due to people apparently mentally stuck in the Status Quo Fallacy, Failure of Imagination Fallacy, and Fallacy of Incredulity, and the fact that's it's never presented as an option to think about at all.

When we can't grow food freely we're really not free; people often promote decentralization and self-sufficiency, but the key for that, ignored over & over, is recognizing human birthrights to survival natural resources: The key property rights needed for freedom are bodily autonomy, and birthrights to survival natural resources: homesteading land, water & seed. Why does almost everyone crazily dance around that clear and comprehensive solution? Without sovereign gardening space you're necessarily being exploited and ruled over; and since voluntary communities of sovereign homesteads exist nowhere right now, fundamentally all the people in the world are actually under different shades of Communist rule.

Unfortunately and ironically people have been programmed to associate land redistribution with Communism (as if only State-employees could ever do that), and they ignore that their "free" "capitalism" is actually a social-system run fundamentally via central banks and income tax, which are two pillars of the actual Communist Manifesto!  People have been duped into believing up is down and down is up.  So many problems would be solved from disconnecting from a toxic unnatural social system, yet people cling to logical fallacies as good reasons to continue on with the status quo.  

Along with the aforementioned benefits of ending the root injustice of homesteading natural resource birthright denial, if everyone could eat fresh and organic vegetables, greens, herbs and fruits from their own garden, and be able to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air while gardening, that would no doubt alleviate myriad physical and mental health issues people are suffering with as well, better than the band-aid treatments of pharmaceuticals and heart disease surgeries, et al.  People go to detox centers where they basically just get a version of living on a veganic homestead, but it's only temporary because they gotta get back to earning money to pay the rent/mortgage/proprety taxes.  Everyone is dealing with the myriad problems of living with The Root Injustice, but no one is pinpointing what that injustice is exactly, and what the exact solution to it is, so the drudgery just goes on and on.

You will never see or hear a barrage of mainstream media promoting the benefits of men, being naturally and fully masculine, and women, being naturally and fully feminine, living self-sufficiently, non-violently and truly sustainably off the land, because that is where real empowerment is, freed of system-dependency and negative karmic-feedback, it would be a return to the original perfect design for humans for highest happiness, a “return to Eden,” a return to the original design of the good Creator.  In order to not be a slave of the system we must get our needs directly from the Earth instead, so this is continuously made out to be backwards, dangerous, stupid, etc., (as well as economically impossible for most people) when in fact it's the ideal way for humans to live on Earth, with the highest potential for satisfaction and social harmony/justice.  The big picture of what's going on is that God's original plan for humanity, to be gardeners who cultivated and cared for the natural world (including animals), as pointed to in Genesis 2:15, is in fact the ideal, on multiple qualitative & moral levels, but humanity is being distracted away from that fact constantly; the system is a grand deception and conceited folly, trying to improve upon that ideal original plan for humanity;; no improvements have been made, things have just gotten more toxic and oppressive, as the only truly good and free way of life is made more and more obscure, as homestead communities exist less and less every year globally.

It's not that complicated, but people seem to always overcomplicate it. Land, water & seed for natural living, survival, privacy, and freedom, are pre-existing God-created birthrights of all humans. That's what needs to be focused on and repeated, not going off on dismissive "that's impossible/impractical" or irrelevant "but some people won't like that" tangents; the  societal change will organically occur at local levels once that birthright is widely accepted as true and good.  About 2 acres for sovereign veganic/nonviolent homesteads (not enslaving and murdering animals or spreading toxins/GMOs), forming voluntary communities, is the clear answer that the Non-aggression Principle and Reality/Nature points to. 

The objection that "all the land is already owned" ignores the main crucial point that owning more land & water than you need for your iwn homestead is actually the theft of other people's birthright, so it's not valid ownership just like owning slaves you paid for isn't valid.

A slaveowner can say "I paid for this man," but the man was never rightfully up for sale in the first place; having more land & water than you need is actually stealing the survival/freedom birthright of others; that's the key truth almost no one is talking about, and that's why nothing is really changing for the better. 

To "agree in principle" but then not even repeat the solution to anyone because of possible bad reactions or logistics that need to be voluntarily sorted out... I'm trying to make it clear, as L. Rose has too (in his more generalized way), that it's actually getting people to understand and agree openly with the principle/solution that is most important, saying "but making it a reality could be difficult!" is like telling a warrior defending his village before battle, "but they will resist you," yeah no kidding, abusers resist stopping the abuse, which is ultimately irrelevant.  Please try to focus on "sovereign veganic homesteads," it's tiring being the only one actually saying the words, as if everyone else is under a spell preventing them from spreading the actual solution. 

Just because there would be difficulties/resistance/complications doesn't mean it's not the best and just solution overall, it clearly is, because anything less than that is actually social-injustice; denial of homesteading land, water & seed is a form of slavery, and slavery is the evil we need to fully abolish. 

Land, water and seed are already built, it's a straw-man fallacy to say that I'm saying others will be required to build houses and gardens for others. And again the main point of a birthright (as in it belongs to newborn babies, without them doing anything for it), is that is not "given" by anyone because it was not theirs to give in the first place, God already gave it to us. Those objecting  to sovereign homesteads being a birthright if everyone talk like slave-masters who used to say things like "Why should I just give this man his freedom, he has to earn it, take action, be responsible, before he deserves it." The idea that a birthright claim *to not be abused and exploited* is "irresponsible" and even somehow abusive itself (demanding "sacrifice" of others), is completely absurd (and again sounds like authoritarians of the past and present).

To object by basically saying "you gotta work for it" is completely dismissive of the justness of it being a cost/tax-free birthright not created by any man *needed for survival and freedom*, and the economic reality that most hard-working people still can't afford their own homestead, and even if they could, if it wasn't sovereign they still wouldn't really be free (e.g., property tax). A close-minded regurgitation of academia's platitudes (and/or a favorite author's view on natural resource property) doesn't actually hold up to reality and the Non-aggression Principle.

If people crash-landed on an uninhabited island they'd share the pre-existing food/seed, water and space because that's the sane and ethical thing to do, and that's the same exact thing I'm advocating; the objection "Well it's different because some rich people already bought all the land" is weak and false ethics, that again ignores that morally right birthrights actually do exist, that the inalienable birthrights of life & liberty *are* denied if you're denied cost/tax-free survival/homesteading land & water, because that undermines both life & liberty directly.

"By removing opportunities to live self-sufficient lives, the Marxists create a system of slavery and convince everyone that it was done in the name of fairness. It’s the same story every time."

So if you agree homesteading land, water & seed is a free birthright of humanity, please bring that crucial truth and solution up with others regularly, because it will never happen until more people are talking and agreeing about it; the thinking must be aligned with it before it can start manifesting.


Related philosophy:

Related history (8th Century Japan):

Related Talks:

Articles on Victory Gardens: