Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Holy Spirit, Intuition, Fear and the Logical Fallacy Blindfold

[updated June 5th, 2022]

Could it be that mainstream views on what's most important are actually wrong?  That was certainly true in the past, but what about today?  Have all of the erroneous destructive beliefs of humanity been sorted out?  I will argue that no, they have not been all sorted out, and two big examples, that is, two examples that actually have a huge effect on people's lives, are the mainstream conceptions of what we call fear and intuition.


The mainstream belief that "fear is sometimes good, because fear is the same thing as the body's fight-or-flught/crisis response," is completely false (a false equivalency).  You can actually see this for yourself with just a minute of critical thinking: If the fight-or-flight response of the body is just that, a bodily response, a physiological activity, and fear is an emotion-thought, how does it make sense to say they are the same thing?  If fear lowers your awareness and critical thinking ability, and both of those faculties are of utmost value when facing a danger, then how is fear a "survival mechanism"?  It's not.  I explain this destructive false equivalency further in this short talk:


Now to what's destructively wrong with mainstream views on Intuition.  The mainstream notion is that Intuition is not actually the Holy Spirit, not actually from God.  Now if the word intuition is wrongly equated with "common sense," or "gut instinct" (notice, yet another false equivalency), that is, Intuition being falsely equated with conditioned thinking of your own, then yes that's not the Holy Spirit.
So what is true Intuitive thought?  The way it arises for all humans is fundamentally the same, it has it's own signature, just as Kairos Moment callings from the Son do.  The characteristics of Intution's signature are: 
a) Intuition manifests as non-stressful thoughts/images (that are not our own thoughts) that arise in our minds, to do or not do something, or to say or not say something (actions or inactions which could be just the initial step we need to take to get us to something else, i.e., Intuition will oftentimes lead us via something we're familiar with to get us to something new that's good for us to be engaged with). 
b) Intuition usually seems relatively unimportant to us when it arises in our mind, or seems "50/50" (meaning we could "take it or leave it"), but then we often realize after we ignored/discarded it (if we have good self/reality-awareness and hindsight), that it was actually important.
c) If we do follow the Intuitive thought, we always discover that the result is very good and productive for having done so.

That is the Holy Spirit, that is Intuitive-thought-guidance from Divinity (not really our "Higher Self" or our "Soul," because we're not omniscient, we're not God, so we shouldn't pretend we are).  

The reason we can "hear" Intuitive thought most clearly and readily during meditation (letting go of our own thinking, focusing our eyes on a single point like a candle light, and/or following our breath), is because it's not our own thought.  This is also why many of us notice we have clear Intuition to do something when we first wake up, because our own mind has not fully revved up and filled our head with its own thoughts yet.  And this is also why stress, like in the form of fear, is an enemy of Intuition, because again we can best perceive/hear Intuition when our mind is relaxed and still.  If you've wondered "what's the point in meditating?" perhaps the best answer is so that we can receive absolutely perfect guidance from a loving and omniscient Divinity, guidance that will definitely improve our life (and the lives of others, in perfect omniscient win-win fashion, in ways that we could never had known with just our own limited human awareness).

Conclusion: Logical Fallacies & Spiritual Propaganda/Sabotage

So Intuition, rightly identified, i.e., identified as guidance from God, is being mixed up with other things (namely conditioning/habits), and is also conceitedly or slothfully being disregarded much of the time.  Likewise with fear, it is not just simply and rightly identified as demonic, as from the Devil, and instead is being mixed up with other things, namely "a defense mechanism" and/or "fight or flight."  People are, sadly, thinking that the bad is good and the good is bad, calling fear (as "fight or flight") sometimes good and Intuition (as "common sense") sometimes bad; both are confused wrong beliefs with far-reaching negative consequence, both are backwards spiritual sabotage, and both are also the declarations of all the "experts."  People are literally thinking the Devil is sometimes good and God is sometimes bad, and so they embrace the former and reject the latter, and guess what that results in?  The "fall of Man."  

Again, when people's beliefs on crucial truth are incorrect/backwards, wackness and suffering will inevitably ensue, and that's what the Devil has been doing to humanity from the start.  It's the same old and original story (never told right) of humans following the false/corrupted Knowledge of Good & Evil, and that resulting in the loss of Paradise.  

And why exactly do people follow the devilish destructive false morality of false gods, thinking it's actually smart to do so?  Again, because they are deceived by Logical Fallacies, i.e., they follow assumptions (like assuming whoever the "authority" is always gives the crucial truth, or assuming that a simple answer can't be right), false equivalencies (like the aforementioned ones), and abusive language (just like with pigeonhole dismissive slander believed to justify disregarding this knowledge).  

Assumptions, false equivalencies, and abusive thought/language are actually the three categories of all logical fallacies (something else crucial we were also never clearly taught), logical fallacies that are being pushed on us as by "experts" as if they are actually rationality, facts and sound morality.

Logical Fallacies need to be rejected when they arise in our own minds internally and also rejected when we observe them externally; again sadly though it seems very likely that this analysis will be dismissed as either "too extreme" (Status Quo Fallacy), or because "it's not that simple" (Complexity Bias), or because of whatever other nonsense/Logical Fallacy, but I put this out there for those who might be open and able to see the plain truth of it.  