[updated September 18th, 2022]
If you watch/read mainstream TV shows, corporate movies, the “news” and/or mainstream religious/spritual media (e.g., popular content-creators on video and social-media sites), for any length of time, you're bound to be hit (by the media and the advertisements) with most if not all of the following messages, delivered in an underhanded/subliminal way, but can be discerned if you are critically analyzing what's being said "in-between the lines" or in other words subliminally.
Prioritized Propaganda Messages in Mass-media (remember, these ideas are NOT true):
TV “news” is mostly pushing fear (through amplifying, sensationalizing or manufacturing fear-inducing events), despair (constantly bringing up disease, disability and destruction) and division (mainly via amplifying, sensationalizing or manufacturing racist & misogynist aggression), while the advertising is mostly pushing fast animal-flesh foods and irradiating electronics; ALL OF IT IS DISEMPOWERING.
- Fear and stress are sometimes good for you, because fear is also the body's crisis response, accurate intuitive risk-assessment, and is also a form of motivation. Some fear is good for you, it keeps you safe. Some stress is good for you, it, when in just the right amount, has all the benefits of concentration; experts agree that this impossible to pinpoint just-right amount of "eustress," being in the "zone of proximal anxiety," is definitely something you should strive for. Nevermind building relaxed concentration and being courageous, keep believing in fear and stress as your sometimes friends. Fear and stress aren't all bad because they are needed as part of your survival and evolutionary growth. Embrace your negative emotions, they are part of your True Self, it's not possible to reject them without suppressing them, and that's unhealthy, so become friends with your fear and other toxic emotion-thoughts.
- Jesus "paid for your sins" by accepting the crucifixion (it had nothing to do with exposing and perfectly condemning human "authorities" as illegitimate and evil). You need this cosmic blood-ticket to Heaven because Human Nature is inherently flawed, people can never perfect their thoughts, words and actions, you can't actually "stop sinning" as Jesus said to, you can't actually follow his Greatest Commandments as he said to; ignore all that, and just listen to the false apostle Paul's words about human depravity and a blood sacrifice ritual; just say the "Jesus Prayer" and you'll enter heaven, you don't actually have to comprehend and follow perfect morality in order to experience Heaven on Earth, just accept yourself as permanently perfectly imperfect and call it self-love and self-care.
- Satan, an evil spirit that influences the minds of humans (via completely toxic emotion-thoughts like fear and anger), doesn't actually exist (and neither does God).
- Your ancestors include apes (called "a common ancestor" to make it sound better, and to fit their b.s. in-between species fabrications), and before that, pond scum. (i.e., Darwinian Macro-Evolution is a fact of life.)
- Blind obedience to whoever is employed via extortion is equal to exercising social responsibility, it's equal to you being a good person. Government (especially your country) is overall good and keeps you safe; anarchism is bad and dangerous; only State officials should have powerful weapons. It's okay for the State to commit preemptive attack against a population, e.g., extortion, or taking away their ability to defend themselves (confiscating guns), or mandating preventative health devices or drugs, but it's not okay for you to do those things, they're only criminal abusive acts when you do them.
- People that are independent of groups/collectives are dangerous and/or crazy, and individualism is synonymous with selfishness; collectivism is equivalent to being an unselfish lover of community and good will.
- Having to pay other humans just live on the Earth (being a slave to money/jobs) is normal and fair, you do not have a birthright to a fair share of homesteading land, water & seed. Living off-the-land/grid in Nature is a sign of backwards foolish dangerous craziness; urban living is a better quality of life; (don't think of the minimal work needed on a veganic homestead with no financial costs, think Nature = hard work and disease).
- Modern electronic technology (now including Artificial Intelligence, which can be fully trusted) is mankind's savior, its benefits outweigh the negatives. The next step in Human “evolution” is to become cyborgs, look forward to becoming cyborgs, it'll be great! (don't think about your mind and body possibly being hacked and controlled by others).
- Animals are here for you to exploit, enslave, murder and eat; there are no negative consequences to your health or soul for doing so.
- Biological races are real and always in conflict with each other; you should think and behave in a race-based and oriented way to be “woke.”
- Men and women don't have distinct and separate core masculine and feminine qualities (energies that are different but equally important and complimentary); men naturally have feminine energy and women have masculine energy, we're all actually androngynous, and the closer we get to 50//50 internal androgyny, the better (so it's good that this process is aided by contaminating the global population with atrazine, which makes men more feminine and women more masculine on a biological level); women become more liberated the more masculine they become; men become less toxic the more feminine they become.
- Self-love is the same thing as selfish conceitedness. God is love and it's good to love others, but if you ever direct love at yourself, if you ever feel good about yourself, even for just 2 seconds, you're committing a sin. Self-love, based on knowing that you were made in the image and likeness of a perfectly good Divine Creator, is not the right view, the right view is believing in Paul's Inherited Sin doctrine, to view yourself as a worthless wicked sinner, because that's the right humble thing to believe. You are not fundamentally a pure Spirit of love, to think that is egomaniacal.
Also realize that advertising is very often used as a propaganda outlet; whatever product or service is being sold is often actually just a smokescreen (so you're more mentally open to it, thinking "it's just an ad"), hitting your subconscious with disempowerment, via sounds/images/acts that are very disturbing (e.g., loud noises, screams, or horrific subject-matter) or very misleading ideas (e.g., normalizing acceptance of medical mandates, and invasive technologies like camera surveillance and robot/drone "helpers"); propaganda ads that pop up only for a few seconds (before you can skip passed them) will put the disturbing/misleading content out right away, so you can't avoid the toxicity that these evil people want to expose you to. Turn off your TV. Stop watching corporate movies. Mute and look away from all advertising.
Also, avoid pop spirituality, nowadays another major propaganda outlet, that consistently pushes the following toxic mental programs: technocracy, moral realtivism/nihilism, solipsism, androgyny, and "being vulnerable" (subliminally suggesting your True Self is weak and will get you really harmed if you express it).
As I said in my post on Macro-evolution theory, if you think the idea of subliminal programming for the purpose of disempowering the masses is hard to believe, or if you find it overwhelming, remember that fundamentally this psychological warfare/trickery is basically always intent on getting you away from inner peace and the true good design of God, and away from the true morality of The Greatest Commandments (to love God, others and yourself), and toward more stress and following the false morality of false; their propaganda disempowers all who take it in, so it makes sense as to why those who want greater power and control over people would disseminate it.