How does it make sense that the naked human body suddenly becomes "obscene" when it is simply outside of a building rather than inside a building? Why is the human body itself criminalized? Could this be a form of mind-control through pushing a form of fear, through subliminally pushing the idea that humans are inherently shameful?
I was already aware of the pro-nudity movements, like that which coincided with the 1960’s hippy culture, and more recently with the “Free The Nipple” NYC demonstrations and documentary, and, in doing a little research for this article I discovered the re-emerging Naturism Movement, and I recognized that the main premise that nudity does not equate to obscenity is right and good, but I didn’t realize how important it is (and I think actually many people in the pro-nudity movements didn’t and don’t realize how very important an issue this actually is). The wild thing is that this issue is actually central to the Creation story of humanity, but it’s never explained as such.
Adam & Eve were fine with being naked before they ate the “fruit of the knowledge of Good & Evil,” but immediately after they ate it they became ashamed of their naked bodies.
Before eating the "knowledge" of good & evil:“And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” (Genesis 2:25)
After eating the "knowledge" of good & evil:
"I heard your voice in the garden," Adam answered to God, "and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid from you." (Genesis 3:10)
So, the “knowledge” 1), made them afraid, and 2), convinced them that the naked body is actually evil. Those two elements need to be looked at carefully. Firstly, fear is very disempowering, it is perhaps the most disempowering emotion-thought that humans can have, and people, particularly the powers-that-be, have used fear as a means of control, for centuries. The particular form of fear that Adam& Eve followed was Fear of Humiliation (one of the three main types of fear), and that was actually their original/first sin, not simply "being disobedient," as the Church tells everybody (and yes, following fear is actually a sin, as is following anger, or craving). Secondly, the idea that the naked body is evil in and of itself is actually a blasphemous notion; the human form/design is actually good, designed by a good God. So then we can logically conclude that the knowledge they ate was false knowledge, it was a false morality, and following false morality is what actually led them to losing paradise. So, the other crucial point, also never taught by Christian pastors, is that if you equate the naked human body with something bad, if you believe the naked human body, just by itself, is a bad thing, that’s actually a very deep mind-control program. If you believe the human body is bad, that is basically the same as believing your natural Self is bad, and that belief, the “I am fundamentally bad” belief, is actually the foundation of human enslavement, at its various levels. It’s also a complete violation of what Jesus said are The Greatest Commandments, which are to love God, love others, and love yourself, since if you believe you and other humans in their natural state are shameful, that’s abusive slander toward yourself and others, as is calling God’s creation bad, and abuse is the complete opposite of love.
Even though the evaluation I just made is logically sound, many people will have their mind-control kick in as pseudo-intellectual false morality hysterics, namely that laws against nudity are “to protect the children,” and because you don’t want to feel even further shame, now for “not caring about the children,” you’ll probably drop this issue of nudity like a hot potato. The truth is that by accepting the idea that nudity = obscenity, you’re in no way protecting children, you’re actually setting them up to live a life of subconscious fearful shame and acceptance of constant low-level abuse from “authorities” because of the belief/program that humans are fundamentally bad and so need to be abusively controlled at all times to some degree. If your mind goes into hysterics about sexual assault at the mere mention or sight of a naked human body, I hope you can realize that’s mind-control, and completely irrational. The naked human body is not an act of aggression, nor does it support aggression, it’s just the human body without clothes on it, and there’s actually nothing wrong with that; every supposed explanation as to why it is bad is clearly nonsense, if you actually take a minute to analyze it, rather than just let false guilt turn your critical thinking off; again, if you think the human body is shameful, then you’re holding an abusive slanderous view toward yourself, others and God, and you’re supporting human enslavement of both body and mind, and that’s a very bad thing to do; the devil has tricked, and continues to trick, humanity into doing evil and thinking that it’s good, and that’s what keeps us in the devil’s world (including its world wars), that’s what keeps us out of the Paradise God created the Earth to be for us.
Even though the evaluation I just made is logically sound, many people will have their mind-control kick in as pseudo-intellectual false morality hysterics, namely that laws against nudity are “to protect the children,” and because you don’t want to feel even further shame, now for “not caring about the children,” you’ll probably drop this issue of nudity like a hot potato. The truth is that by accepting the idea that nudity = obscenity, you’re in no way protecting children, you’re actually setting them up to live a life of subconscious fearful shame and acceptance of constant low-level abuse from “authorities” because of the belief/program that humans are fundamentally bad and so need to be abusively controlled at all times to some degree. If your mind goes into hysterics about sexual assault at the mere mention or sight of a naked human body, I hope you can realize that’s mind-control, and completely irrational. The naked human body is not an act of aggression, nor does it support aggression, it’s just the human body without clothes on it, and there’s actually nothing wrong with that; every supposed explanation as to why it is bad is clearly nonsense, if you actually take a minute to analyze it, rather than just let false guilt turn your critical thinking off; again, if you think the human body is shameful, then you’re holding an abusive slanderous view toward yourself, others and God, and you’re supporting human enslavement of both body and mind, and that’s a very bad thing to do; the devil has tricked, and continues to trick, humanity into doing evil and thinking that it’s good, and that’s what keeps us in the devil’s world (including its world wars), that’s what keeps us out of the Paradise God created the Earth to be for us.
God is actually the Master Artist, and the human body, especially the female body, has been recognized for centuries as an exquisite work of art, along with other wonderful designs, like found with wildflowers, wildlife (hummingbirds come to my mind first), landscapes (e.g., Ireland), and even nebula in outer-space (e.g., the Orion Nebula). Denying that natural beauty and goodness isn't being virtuous, the devil and his powers-that-be push that false morality on us all (from the very beginning of humanity) for their own purposes (namely to wickedly go against God's perfect design, and gain more power and control over humanity).
Politicians love nudity laws, they love to cover up naked statues, etc., because: 1), criminalizing nudity pushes subconscious fear (as false guilt/ashamedness) and the subconscious belief that human beings are fundamentally evil, both of which greatly support social-systems of abusive control and power, and 2), criminalizing nudity is done under the guise of virtue, under the banner of “protecting women and children,” and that virtue-signal basically guilt-trips people into accepting their false morality (just as they and the media did with their medical mandates). And perhaps 3), because they know just how critical Vitamin D ("the sunshine vitamin") is for good health, and a sick population is easier to control.
Returning to the psychology of false guilt/shame, this issue of criminalized nudity is much more important than is commonly understood because if you can get a society to believe that their naked bodies are shameful then you've got them, then they have a thorn of fear held deep in their minds that will sabotage them their entire lives, because it's just a version of "I'm fundamentally bad and untrustworthy," and so therefore "deserve to be punished and controlled," and because fear is actually always disempowering, it's actually a demonic/toxic emotion-though that is never beneficial (no, it's not the same thing as the body's crisis response, aka fight-or-flight).
Remember, this very destructive taboo/mind-control program was the original lie of the Enemy that took us away from God's truth and original perfect design for humanity, Eden/Paradise. If being naked is illegal, that means the human body, as deigned by God, is inherently evil. If you accept that false morality, you blaspheme God and support abusive control. Whether you'd personally enjoy going outside naked or not is irrelevant, you should see that this issue is much bigger and more important than that personal preference, you should be against the criminalization of nudity for the very deep and important reasons pointed out here. You may be surprised at how empowering and transformative repeating the affirmation "My naked body is not shameful" is for you, again regardless of whether you actually have any interest in being nude outside; although, worth mentioning, it has certainly been proven that getting some full-body sunshine (and adequate Vitamin D from that sunshine), and fresh air (indoor air pollution is a real problem) is very health-giving; a lot of people would probably get off meds and resolve various health issues if they just did simply that regularly (along with leaving animals alone with their food choices).
Again, affirming that your naked body us not shameful is empowering and transformative because if you fearfully believe your naked body is shameful, that's basically the same thing as believing that you are shameful, from jump-street and till death, and that's pure spiritual sabotage.