Reaction: "This isn't good. What's the best way to respond?"
"Solution" (from the rulers): "You should accept more preemptive attack/abuse/control from us so we can best take care of situations like this."
The only reason people keep falling for this age-old deception is because they don't have a handle on basic ethics, namely the moral fact that abuse (for example, disarming nonviolent people, or coercing the use of medical devices/drugs) is pure evil and shouldn't be accepted as a solution to any problem, at any time.
If you think giving rulers the power to abuse (more than they already do) is the way to make the world a better place, you are morally inept and ignorant of political history and current events. Abuse *never* increases the good, and that's a very simple thing to understand, don't let the fact that this backwards society never taught you that make you doubt its accuracy.
Notice that "preemptive attack = abuse = evil" is almost never stated by anyone; what's most important to know and say is sidelined and ignored.
If you still don't understand why this really is what's most important as far as ethics and social-justice is concerned, keep contemplating this until you do get it, don't just sigh and think "it's complicated," or "it's a grey area," it's really not either; the Devil's playbook is short, and the goal is always the same: deceive you into accepting and participating in abuse, so you violate God's Law. Stop letting Satan play you. Stand on true morality, not fear and false guilt being pushed by the mass-media.
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