Sunday, March 31, 2019

What is a Kairos Moment?

A lot of times people are reading scriptures (Christian/Jewish, Dao De Jing, & Greek Mythology in particular) that are talking about Kairos Moments, but they don't realize that, because they haven't perceived and analyzed the real-world phenomenology that matches the religious, mystical or mythological writing, which is understandable since it's always strangely been described in an unclear and symbolic/metaphorical way (or perhaps it's that the accurate description has been removed).  For a very recent example of this close but still unhelpfully far phenomenon, you can listen to the talk below on "Encountering the Risen Christ," which I left the following comment on (a comment that was almost immediately removed, I figure because the world's institutions are run by evil people that suppress crucial truth):

""If properly received" the "keys of justice, and bread (i.e., desire)" give "access to the fruit of the Tree of Life" during that "fraction of a second" (actually consistently a one second opening), via "the other form of Jesus the Christ," that form being Kairos Moment phenomenology, the 6 Justice Kairos Moments & the 6 Desire Kairos Moments, that require us to "take up our cross and follow the calls of Jesus" (i.e., humble/"deny" ourselves, and confront the inner and outer resistance to answering Kairos calls). Recognizing those calls comes from knowing the consistent characteristics (the signature/"name" of Jesus) of the phenomenology, the basics being: 1) Always sudden/unexpected, 2) Always subtle, & 3) Always only 1 second given to respond properly (i.e., respond calmly without any sin, without any Fear, Sloth, Craving, Anger, Depression, Suspiciousness, Mischievousness or Conceitedness). My Kairos guidebook has the full details if you're interested. Peace."

Because of the extreme value of this information and the many years of work it took me to get the details of Kairos Moments clarified and succinct, I have made this Kairos Guide available for purchase here: